You know those days that you just don't want to get out of bed? Don't want to get up, make the coffee, go to work? I was having one of those days a couple weeks ago (it actually happens frequently...must be the college-kid in me still wearing off). I had roommates staying with me that had to be up and out of the apartment around the same time as me, meaning I had to get up even earlier than usual. Needless to say, I didn't start the day on the right side of the bed.
But that mood shifted as soon as I reached my favorite path to work. It was a beautiful fall morning. The leaves were just changing, and the air was cool. Perhaps today would be a good day I thought. I got to work extra early (I'm usually there half an hour early anyways), and decided to put the flag up.
Here I was, jamming out to my iPod as I raised the flag (yes, I know, traditionally it should be done with a level of respect, but I needed something to get my morning going, and music is usually what makes that happen). I turned around, and there they were; 2 baby foxes watching me. I freaked out! I've only seen one fox out here, and only from my bedroom window, so to see 2 within 20 feet of me was exciting! I snapped some pictures with my iPhone, but couldn't zoom. So I ran into the V.C. to grab my camera and came back out.
I must've scared one of the foxes because when I came out there was only one there, but he had moved up much closer. I felt bad for the other one, I'd be scared of me too. I was flailing about, I mean...I didn't know if foxes attacked people, seemed likely, they are wild animals. But this other one was super curious! He walked up super close to the porch of the V.C. And after some pictures, he decided I wasn't interesting enough, and went on his merry way. Turns out foxes don't attack people, they're actually pretty curious creatures. And so gosh darn cute!
Since this day I've seen them quite a few times, but never as close. They like to play around the park compound. A lot of interesting people to observe I suppose. Hopefully before I leave I'll be able to see them again that close.
Needless to say, they made my crummy start to the day so much better! It's amazing what nature can do for the soul and attitude.
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